Another very quick one – we’ve just spent a few days camped in and near Moremi National Park. We saw lots of wildlife including a wild dog!
Very exciting as they are rare and we haven’t seen one before. Now we’re heading to Francistown on the A3, which is hopefully a decent sealed road.
When we have some decent internet, probably when we get to South Africa, we’ll post photos. At the moment we’ve hooked into Botswana Post’s free internet access, 10 minutes at a time.
Just Happy Motoring go stories .
Another of your fabulous adventures – it would make a good tv travel series! Loved the beach photo.
In Kruger National Park there was a protection programme for wild dogs – one is called Hazel! I even have the photos! Then it was discovered it was a boy…… He was named for me as I had funded some fencing between Drifters and the next door hunting lodge property – the pack of wild dogs kept straying out of the safe territory if they saw potential dinner next door and then were shot.